Midnight Hour vol. 1 & 2
We are always looking for dark fiction so please feel free to submit to our projects! Below are all the projects that are in open submission periods. We are taking multiple submissions for each project. Please double check the guidelines before sending us your work. If you are looking for payment compensation, then make sure you are submitting to a project that offers payment. Each project is different and offers different compensation, so again please make sure you know what you're submitting to. Below is an outline of our general guidelines.
​What we like:
Supernatural horror (monsters, ghosts, witchcraft, ect.)
Neo-noire (murder, conspiracy, mystery)
Urban settings (not a must, but it catches our attention)
Speculative Fiction (dark dystopian themes)
Cyberpunk themes
What we aren't looking for: If your story utilizes any of these tropes then we can't publish it no matter how good it is! It's not that we hate these themes, it's just not what we're looking to publish!
No vampires
No Werewolves
No Zombies
No Cthulhu Mythos
Strange things happen when the clock strikes twelve...
Our flagship anthology is now open for submissions. These books will be available on kindle, hardcover, paperback, and audiobook format. The title page of each story will be illustrated. We are looking for horror, dark sci-fi, dark speculative fiction, neo-noire, and cyberpunk themes. Please read the general submissions for more details.
Below is a little more about the project.
Word Count​​: 1500-8000 words. This is not a hard word count. If you think you have a story that fits what we're looking for, but is a little long or a little short, send it our way.
Payment: We are offering 2 cents per word up to 8K words. You are free to send us longer stories, but we cap payments at $160 per story for this project.
Rights: We are not asking for ownership of your story. Just the right to print it.
Reprints: Yes, we accept reprints. Beggars can't be choosers and we understand we're a fledgling brand. If your work appears elsewhere, please make sure you double check with the other publication to make sure your story is eligible to print.
Multiple Submissions​​: Yes.
Deadline​​: May 1st
Send submissions to: submissions@midnighthourmedia.com

General Guidelines

The Midnight Hour Podcast
Strange things happen when the clock strikes twelve...
We are currently accepting submissions for the Midnight Hour Podcast The stories we are are looking should fall in the realm of horror, dark sci-fi, dark speculative fiction, neo-noire, or cyberpunk themes. Please read the general submissions for more details.
Word Count​​: 1000-15,000 words. This is not a hard word count. If you think you have a story that fits what we're looking for, but is a little long or a little short, send it our way.
Payment: None.
Rights: We are not asking for ownership of your story. Just the right to use it on our podcast. The podcast will air on various streaming services including, but not limited to, Spotify, Google Play, Apple Music, YouTube, and Sound Cloud.
Reprints: Yes, we accept reprints. Beggars can't be choosers and we understand we're a fledgling brand. If your work appears elsewhere, please make sure you double check with the other publication to make sure your story is eligible to print.
Send submissions to: submissions@midnighthourmedia.com

There's no doubt that the Holidays are the most magical time of year, but that doesn't mean dark happenings aren't lurking beneath your Christmas tree as well.
These books will be available on kindle, hardcover, paperback, and audiobook format. The title page of each story will be illustrated. We are looking for holiday related horror, dark sci-fi, dark speculative fiction, neo-noire, and cyberpunk stories. We like stories with Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanza themes. Alternatively, they can simply take place during the holidays (like how Die Hard isn't really about Christmas) or even just involve wintery or snowy settings. Please read the general submissions for more details.
A word of advice: If you plan on sending us a Krampus story, please make sure it's a great one! We'll only have room for one in our collection and we're anticipating a lot of submissions so send something original!
Below is a little more about the project.
Word Count​​: 1000-10,000 words. This is not a hard word count. If you think you have a story that fits what we're looking for, but is a little long or a little short, send it our way.
Payment: We are offering 2 cents per word up to 10K words. You are free to send us longer stories, but we cap payments at $200 per story for this project.
Rights: We are not asking for ownership of your story. Just the right to print it.
Reprints: Yes, we accept reprints. Beggars can't be choosers and we understand we're a fledgling brand. If your work appears elsewhere, please make sure you double check with the other publication to make sure your story is eligible to print.
Multiple Submissions​​: Yes.
Deadline​​: May 1st
Send submissions to: submissions@midnighthourmedia.com
Put Christmas Submission in the subject line